
Trojans detected by VirusTotal

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is there something that's triggering false positives because otherwise, this seems very sketchy.
VirusTotal Scan

I can assure there is no trojans or any other kind of malware in the code also there are only 6/70 detections which most like are false positives (and from some vendors which I've never heard of )probably due to how pyinstaller compiles the code into a executable.
Let me know if you want to compile the code yourself with the source code in the repository,I will be happy to help you out with that

This is a duplicate of this already resolved issue. Here's the link #8

Oh ok, I was just skeptical since I've been hacked badly before but I appreciate you taking time to assure this is safe. I'm happy to run straight from executable, just needed to know it wouldn't steal my account passwords like an old virus I had haha. Have a great day 😉

Ah no issues even I am very skeptical of what i download some i have also been hacked in the past