
Unlock Mac with Apple Watch re: Issue 104

egore24 opened this issue · 7 comments

This issue has never been resolved.

Are there any new developments as to Apple Watch unlock? Thanks.

After going through removing devices and repopulating them in my AppleID account as well as signing out and back into iCloud, Apple Watch unlock would work from a return from screen lock, but not full sleep. Sadly, a restart reverted it back to not working at all.

So, it seems the reported firmware for the DW1560 card actually is present and MacOS likes it, but reliability of Apple Watch unlock is not there yet. Anyone have a direction to go with this? Thanks.

just replace dw1560 to BCM94360cs2.


i know how ugly it is .but it works.

@wanghuangjie which parts did you buy to do this mod? Can you provide links please? Thanks!

@wanghuangjie which parts did you buy to do this mod? Can you provide links please? Thanks!

surely , i've bought it from taobao

@wanghuangjie thanks! Have ordered and will test!

@wanghuangjie looks promising! Have you been able to clean it up a bit and have everything installed with the laptop cover reinstalled?

edit: Just realized the he linked it in his original post:

@wanghuangjie, looks awesome! I definitely want to give that a shot, but I'm having trouble finding that adapter online. Can you post a link or a name for it?

@nickhx, any suggestions?