
flake8 raises errors

billsioros opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected Result

We should be passing linting with flying colors

Actual Result

flake8 raises multiple errors when run on the solution

Reproduction Steps

Simply run flake8 . on the command line.

Stack Trace

In case an unexpected error occurred, provide us with the program's Stack Trace.

Click to expand!
./dotify/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: classproperty
./dotify/ N801 class name 'classproperty' should use CapWords convention
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./dotify/ N801 class name 'cached_classproperty' should use CapWords convention
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./dotify/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ WPS603 Found using restricted magic method: __del__
./dotify/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: hasattr
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS323 Found `%` string formatting
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: hasattr
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS615 Found unpythonic getter or setter
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 15 > 14
./dotify/ WPS125 Found builtin shadowing: type
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ DAR103 Parameter type mismatch:  ~limit: expected int but was int, optional
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: results
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: hasattr
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: file
./dotify/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/ WPS338 Found incorrect order of methods in a class
./dotify/ D200 One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D106 Missing docstring in public nested class
./dotify/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: Json
./dotify/ WPS431 Found nested class: Json
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: val
./dotify/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: hasattr
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - obj
./dotify/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: hasattr
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./dotify/ WPS437 Found protected attribute usage: _value
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./dotify/ WPS609 Found direct magic attribute usage: __getattribute__
./dotify/ WPS226 Found string constant over-use: Json > 3
./dotify/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/ WPS338 Found incorrect order of methods in a class
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: hasattr
./dotify/ WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS430 Found nested function: dependencies
./dotify/ WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./dotify/ WPS125 Found builtin shadowing: type
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./dotify/ WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./dotify/ WPS125 Found builtin shadowing: type
./dotify/ WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./dotify/ WPS441 Found control variable used after block: dependency
./dotify/ WPS441 Found control variable used after block: dependency
./dotify/ WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D200 One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ WPS431 Found nested class: UnexpectedError
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./dotify/ WPS604 Found incorrect node inside `class` body
./dotify/ WPS431 Found nested class: InvalidURL
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./dotify/ WPS604 Found incorrect node inside `class` body
./dotify/ WPS431 Found nested class: NotFound
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./dotify/ WPS604 Found incorrect node inside `class` body
./dotify/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/ WPS237 Found a too complex `f` string
./dotify/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/ N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ DAR401 Missing exception(s) in Raises section: -r NotFound
./dotify/ DAR103 Parameter type mismatch:  ~limit: expected int but was int, optional
./dotify/ DAR402 Excess exception(s) in Raises section: +r cls.NotFound
./dotify/ DAR003 Incorrect indentation: ~<
./dotify/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: results
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D401 First line should be in imperative mood; try rephrasing
./dotify/ DAR402 Excess exception(s) in Raises section: +r cls.InvalidURL
./dotify/ WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: cls
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/ S101 Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
./dotify/ WPS329 Found useless `except` case
./dotify/ WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 20 > 12
./dotify/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./dotify/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/ D401 First line should be in imperative mood; try rephrasing
./dotify/ DAR402 Excess exception(s) in Raises section: +r cls.NotFound
./dotify/ DAR402 Excess exception(s) in Raises section: +r cls.InvalidURL
./dotify/ DAR402 Excess exception(s) in Raises section: +r cls.UnexpectedError
./dotify/ DAR003 Incorrect indentation: ~<
./dotify/ WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 14 > 12
./dotify/ WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: cls
./dotify/ WPS111 Found too short name: e < 2
./dotify/ WPS432 Found magic number: 404
./dotify/ WPS432 Found magic number: 400
./dotify/ WPS503 Found useless returning `else` statement
./dotify/ WPS412 Found `` module with logic
./dotify/ D104 Missing docstring in public package
./dotify/ WPS410 Found wrong metadata variable: __all__
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/models/ WPS301 Found dotted raw import: dotify.models
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ WPS433 Found nested import
./dotify/models/ WPS433 Found nested import
./dotify/models/ WPS214 Found too many methods: 8 > 7
./dotify/models/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./dotify/models/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: Json
./dotify/models/ WPS431 Found nested class: Json
./dotify/models/ D106 Missing docstring in public nested class
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ S101 Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
./dotify/models/ WPS432 Found magic number: 200
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS237 Found a too complex `f` string
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR301 Missing "Yields" in Docstring: - yield
./dotify/models/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: logger
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - logger
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - path
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - skip_existing
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - url
./dotify/models/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./dotify/models/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: Json
./dotify/models/ WPS431 Found nested class: Json
./dotify/models/ D106 Missing docstring in public nested class
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./dotify/models/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: Json
./dotify/models/ WPS431 Found nested class: Json
./dotify/models/ D106 Missing docstring in public nested class
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/models/ WPS301 Found dotted raw import: dotify.models
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ WPS433 Found nested import
./dotify/models/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./dotify/models/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: Json
./dotify/models/ WPS431 Found nested class: Json
./dotify/models/ D106 Missing docstring in public nested class
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D107 Missing docstring in __init__
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS420 Found wrong keyword: del
./dotify/models/ WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR301 Missing "Yields" in Docstring: - yield
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: logger
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - logger
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - path
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - skip_existing
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - url
./dotify/models/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS433 Found nested import
./dotify/models/ WPS214 Found too many methods: 12 > 7
./dotify/models/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./dotify/models/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: Json
./dotify/models/ WPS431 Found nested class: Json
./dotify/models/ D106 Missing docstring in public nested class
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: item
./dotify/models/ WPS335 Found incorrect `for` loop iter type
./dotify/models/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: hasattr
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - limit
./dotify/models/ DAR301 Missing "Yields" in Docstring: - yield
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: results
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS526 Found implicit `yield from` usage
./dotify/models/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - mp4_path
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - skip_existing
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: logger
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - logger
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - mp3_path
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - skip_existing
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: logger
./dotify/models/ C812 missing trailing comma
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - logger
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - mp3_path
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - skip_existing
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./dotify/models/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./dotify/models/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./dotify/models/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - url
./dotify/models/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./dotify/models/ D400 First line should end with a period
./dotify/models/ D106 Missing docstring in public nested class
./dotify/models/ WPS306 Found class without a base class: Json
./dotify/models/ WPS431 Found nested class: Json
./dotify/models/ WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./dotify/models/ WPS604 Found incorrect node inside `class` body
./dotify/models/ D105 Missing docstring in magic method
./dotify/models/ WPS412 Found `` module with logic
./dotify/models/ D104 Missing docstring in public package
./dotify/models/ WPS410 Found wrong metadata variable: __all__
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./dotify/models/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./examples/ WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS226 Found string constant over-use: \s+ > 3
./tests/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./tests/ WPS301 Found dotted raw import: dotify.models
./tests/ WPS214 Found too many methods: 9 > 7
./tests/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ C812 missing trailing comma
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ WPS602 Found using `@staticmethod`
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - track
./tests/ WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 15 > 14
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./tests/ WPS602 Found using `@staticmethod`
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - playlist
./tests/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS331 Found variables that are only used for `return`: name
./tests/ WPS602 Found using `@staticmethod`
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - album
./tests/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./tests/ WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 15 > 14
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./tests/ WPS602 Found using `@staticmethod`
./tests/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - attribute_path
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - obj
./tests/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./tests/ WPS430 Found nested function: get_value_recursive
./tests/ WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: obj
./tests/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./tests/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - obj
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - paths
./tests/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ WPS507 Found useless `len()` compare
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - obj
./tests/ DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./tests/ DAR401 Missing exception(s) in Raises section: -r RuntimeError
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ WPS503 Found useless returning `else` statement
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS237 Found a too complex `f` string
./tests/ WPS305 Found `f` string
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - cls_name
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - url
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ WPS117 Found name reserved for first argument: cls
./tests/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: obj
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - cls_name
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - limit
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - metadata_list
./tests/ DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - query
./tests/ RST399 Document or section may not begin with a transition.
./tests/ RST399 Document may not end with a transition.
./tests/ WPS117 Found name reserved for first argument: cls
./tests/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./tests/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: value
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./tests/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS110 Found wrong variable name: file
./tests/ WPS407 Found mutable module constant
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ S101 Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ S101 Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./tests/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ WPS226 Found string constant over-use: name > 3
./tests/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
./tests/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ C812 missing trailing comma
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ E501 line too long (116 > 99 characters)
./tests/ C812 missing trailing comma
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ D102 Missing docstring in public method
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ C812 missing trailing comma
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ Q000 Remove bad quotes
./tests/ D104 Missing docstring in public package

System Information

  • Python version: 3.8.5
  • Operating system: Windows 10