This protocol droid contains all protocols (shareable configurations) that are used within the Galaxy.
Please check the README for each configuration within the packages
directory for specific installation instructions, however the general process is:
npm install --save-dev @theholocron/<lib>
- Usage
- Packages
- Browsers & Devices
- Documentation
- Changelog
- Versioning
- Contribution
- Support
- Tools
- Support
- License
Check the README for each configuration within the packages
directory for specific usage instructions.
- babel-preset - A Babel preset for transpiling next generation Javascript.
- browserslist-config - A Browserslist configuration for all browsers and devices supported.
- bundlewatch-config - A Bundlewatch configuration for all for monitoring package scope creep.
- commitlint-config - A CommitLint configuration for writing Git commits.
- eslint-config - An ESLint configuration for writing well-formed Javascript.
- htmlhint-config - A HTMLHint configuration for writing well-formed HTML.
- jest-preset - A Jest preset for testing code.
- lint-staged-config - A Lint Staged configuration for linting code that has been staged in Git.
- markdownlint-config - A MarkdownLint configuration for writing well-formatted documentation.
- postcss-config - A PostCSS configuration for processing (S)CSS.
- prettier-config - A Prettier configuration for formatting libraries.
- rollup-config - A Rollup configuration for bundling libraries.
- semantic-release-config - A Semantic Release configuration for releasing code.
- stylelint-config - A StyleLint configuration for writing well-formed (S)CSS.
- webpack-config - A Webpack configuration for developing and bundling libraries.
The best way to find out what's available is to dig through source code, as each directory has a README file to describe each feature.
This project uses a CHANGELOG and GitHub releases which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project. Read more about changelogs.
We use SemVer for its versioning providing us an opt-in approach to releases. This means we add a version number according to the spec, as you see below. So rather than force developers to consume the latest and greatest, they can choose which version to consume and test any newer ones before upgrading. Please the read the spec as it goes into further detail.
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes.
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
- PATCH version when you make backward-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
Have a bug or a feature request? Looking to contribute to advance the project? Read our contribution guide or maintenance guide first in order to understand how we do things around here. Or you could look at some of our other guides below:
How do I… (click to expand)
Looking to talk to someone or need some help? Please read our support guidelines.
- Babel - Used to compile JavaScript
- Browserslist - Used to share to our code which browsers we support
- CommitLint - Used to ensure our commits follow our standards
- Conventional Changelog - Used to generate our CHANGELOG
- ESLint - Used to lint our JavaScript
- Husky - Used for auto-fixing linting errors on each commit
- Jest - Used for testing our JavaScript and (S)CSS
- MarkdownLint - Used to lint our Markdown docs
- PostCSS - Used to compile (S)CSS
- Semantic Release - Used for automating and releasing our library
- StorybookJS - Used for building out our interactive docs
- StyleLint - Used to lint our (S)CSS
- Webpack - Used to bundle assets
- @godban's Browser Support Badges - The tool used to generate the "Which Browsers [sic] We Support" section
- Conventional Commits - For how we format commit messages
- Contributor Convenant
- Keep a Changelog - For building out a quality CHANGELOG
- Make a README - For building out this README
- SemVer - For versioning this library
©2020 GNU General Public License v3. See LICENSE for specifics.