
The Implementors can be wrong!

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Time passes.
  A tall, bearded Implementor pitches the coconut across the table. "Isn't this
the feeb who bought that stupid onion a few moves ago?" he mutters, apparently
referring to you.
 "That's him," agrees one of the others.

No, actually I didn't. In this game, I hadn't even seen the onion.

So what's going on here? Here's what I-IMPS does for this particular message:

	       (<EQUAL? ,IMPSAY 2>
		<TELL ,XA>
		<PRINT "tall, bearded Implementor">
		<TELL " pitches " THE ,COCO
" across the table. \"Isn't this the feeb who ">
		       <TELL "opened that mailbox">)
		      (<GETB ,LAST-BAD 0>
		       <TELL "used the word '">
		       <TELL "'">)
		       <TELL "bought that stupid onion">)>
" a few moves ago?\" he mutters, apparently referring to you">
		       <TELL ". \"Gimme another thunderbolt.\"" CR>
		<TELL ,PTAB "\"That's ">
		       <TELL B ,W?HER>)
		       <TELL B ,W?HIM>)>
		<TELL ",\" agrees one of the others." CR>

Usually they'll mock you for some word you misspelled, but if you didn't misspell anything (and you didn't open the mailbox on the wine bottle's label), they'll use "bought that stupid onion" as the last fallback. A sensible assumption, since you have to get the chest from the dorn to get there. But the onion isn't the only way to do so. As the InvisiClues notes, you can also use the Annihilation wand on him. Which is what I did here.

Worth fixing? I don't know...