
Unnecessary comma when trying to summon Belboz?

eriktorbjorn opened this issue · 2 comments

If you try to summon Belboz with the ZIFMIA spell, you'll get one of these responses:

A vision of the great Belboz begins to take shape before you, but with a curt
word and a waggle of his finger, he disappears again, shaking his head in
A vision of the great Belboz begins to take shape before you, but as soon as he
realizes where you are, he disappears, a look of fear upon his face.

It feels like there are too many commas in these responses. I could be imagining, though.

They seem fine to me, although I suppose you could remove the commas right before the phrase "he disappears" in each one (e.g. A vision of the great Belboz begins to take shape before you, but with a curt word and a waggle of his finger he disappears again...)

Yes, I meant the middle commas. The first and third commas of each sentence seem fine to me.