
GUNCHO and FROTZ don't work correctly on GANG-OF-FOUR

eriktorbjorn opened this issue · 0 comments

Time passes...
A group of four hunched and hairy shapes walks into your presence. They seem
surprised to see you. After whispering a few guttural words to each other, they
start to move toward you purposefully.

As you cast the spell, the powerful scroll vanishes!
The shapes, on the verge of reaching you, disappear, seeming to dwindle into the
distance while remaining in the same spot. Eventually you can see them no
The low, guttural voices seem to be coming in your direction.

A dull aching fills your head, and your mind is again probed, more deeply than
when you entered the castle.

Belboz appears before you, hard and stern. "While you have quested for Krill's
lair, the Circle has not been idle. We have tried to shield your presence from
him, but your use of such a powerful spell might endanger us all! As we have
sensed it, so surely must Krill! Be careful, brave Enchanter!" His image fades.
The group of shapes follows you, intent on your capture! They seem to come alive
in the desolation which fills this room.

Time passes...
The group of hunched and hairy shapes takes you in their arms and escorts you
into a huge temple.

A low noise begins behind you, and you turn to see hundreds of hunched and hairy
shapes. A guttural chant issues from their throats. Near you stands a figure
draped in a robe of deepest black, brandishing a vicious dagger. The chant grows
louder as the robed figure approaches the altar. As the shapes grab you, the
figure in black speaks: "Take the victim to the tower. I shall prepare for the
sacrifice!" The figures, whose form you can barely guess, take you from here
through the northern door and into a prison cell. They take your possessions
from you and close the door with a crash!

Everything you see is grey and lifeless, as though covered with a veil of ash.
Sound is muted and there is a faint acrid odor.
This is a small prison cell in the north tower of the temple. Hideous shapes can
be seen through the iron-barred window in the prison door. From the temple, a
bloodcurdling chant can be heard.

The same thing happens with FROTZ:

The shapes glow brightly from the frotz spell. This apparently doesn't appeal to
them, as they shriek with horror and attempt to avert their gaze from
themselves. Within a moment, they have run screaming from the room.
The group of shapes follows you, intent on your capture! They seem to come alive
in the desolation which fills this room.

I think that's because GANG-OF-FOUR-F only removes the GANG-OF-FOUR object when you use GUNCHO or FROTZ on them. When you use CLEESH or VAXUM, it removes them and also disables the I-GANG timer by calling <QUEUE I-GANG 0>.