
When you put an object in the fireplace, it should probably get TRYTAKEBIT

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Ballroom, Near Fireplace
This is the south end of the ballroom. A huge fieldstone fireplace dominates the
south wall. The bar is to the east.
Elsewhere in this large ballroom, there are scores of other party guests dressed
in all sorts of outlandish costumes. On the dance floor are some of the older
dancers. The band is playing "Breathless."
On the periphery of the room small groups can be seen, discussing everything
from politics to local scandals. Johnson and Ostmann are at the bar.
There's a broken glass here.
Michael, costumed as a sheik, is here.

The pen goes into the fire.

It's too hot from the fire.

(taking the pen first)
You can't read the pen.

You are carrying:
  a pen
  a costume receipt
  a western mask (being worn)
  a notebook
  a gunbelt (being worn)

So you can't take it, but implicit taking still works.

From what I understand, the only object you can ever take out of the fireplace the normal way is the sheet of paper, so any object you put there should probably get TRYTAKEBIT in the process. (See FIREPLACE-F.)

You can put back the sheet of paper in the fireplace, but there doesn't have to be a special case for that because it already has TRYTAKEBIT. (Though I guess you could sensibly clear that in LIST-F after it's been taken. Steve Meretzky was quite fond of doing that sort of thing, judging by his games so far.)