
Doors with one side open and the other side closed

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is going to take a bit of explaining, so I'll start with a partial map:

| Assembly Room  |
|     NEROOM     |--
+----------------+  \
        |            +------------+
        |            | Front Deck |
        |            |  ON-PORCH  |
        |            +------------+
+----------------+  /
| Southeast Room |--
|     SEROOM     |

There are actually two doors between NEROOM and ON-PORCH. From NEROOM it will check if NEROOM-DOOR is open. From ON-PORCH it will check if RIGHT-DOOR is open. Similarly, the passage between SEROOM and ON-PORCH has both SEROOM-DOOR and LEFT-DOOR.

It's probably done this way because the names "right door" and "left door" only make sense from ON-PORCH. But that makes it vitally important that the state of the door pairs are consistent. And for instance RIGHT-DOOR-F has this piece of code:

		     <EQUAL? ,PRSI <> ,HANDS>
		     <NOT <IS? ,PRSO ,OPENED>>>
	       (<AND <VERB? CLOSE>
		     <EQUAL? ,PRSI <> ,HANDS>
		     <IS? ,PRSO ,OPENED>>

I.e. opening or closing RIGHT-DOOR will silently open or close NEROOM-DOOR, before leaving it to V-OPEN and V-CLOSE to open/close RIGHT-DOOR. But it doesn't check that NEROOM-DOOR actually opens or closes. The CLOSE action doesn't have a PRSI as far as I can tell, so that shouldn't be a problem. But the OPEN-WITH action will.

However, V-OPEN-WITH does not open doors, so if you can trigger NEROOM-DOOR to open that way, you'll have a door that's open from one side and closed from the other:

Assembly Room

Whoever used this room was paranoid about dirt. The floor is swept spotless, and
the edges of both windows are carefully sealed with tape. A closed front door
leads east, and there's an open closet door in the north wall. Other exits lead
south and west.

A workbench covered with loose sheets of brown paper runs along the north wall.
You see bits of wire and other debris scattered across the paper.

The front door is closed.

Southeast Room

Front Deck

The right door is closed.

You can't open the right door with your hand.

Southeast Room

Assembly Room

A workbench covered with loose sheets of brown paper runs along the north wall.
You see bits of wire and other debris scattered across the paper.

Front Deck

To summarize, the simplest fix would be to remove the case for OPEN-WITH since it seems that it will never open the RIGHT-DOOR. That means it's no longer necessary to check PRSI, and for CLOSE it was never necessary in the first place. As far as I can see, these door are the only ones with this bug, so that means the following action routine would have to be fixed: