
Double blank lines when score notifications are off

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Unlike the original release of Wishbringer, the Solid Gold version allows you to turn off score notifications with the "NOTIFY" command. But this has the unwanted side effect that the game sometimes prints double newlines, for instance, when picking up the envelope at the start of the game.

This is what it looks like with score notifications:


[Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of 100.]

Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Get moving,
dummy! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"

What next?

And this is without score notifications:


Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Get going! The
Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"

What next?

That's because the game usually prints two newlines instead of one before calling UPDATE-SCORE.

Maybe UPDATE-SCORE should print a leading newline itself? It would have to be thoroughly tested, though...

One place where printing a newline at the start of the score notification wouldn't work is in U-TRAIL. That one's supposed to appear right after the command you just typed, like this:

[Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 5 out of 100.]

Cliff Edge
You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading
downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post Office Hill creeping
across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of clouds.

The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the distant
Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments, checks its wrist and
shakes a threatening little fist at you.

A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted shutters and
thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale. A curiously painted
sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick Shoppe."

Without score notification, it looks like this, which isn't optimal:


Cliff Edge
You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading
downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post Office Hill creeping
across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of clouds.

The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the distant
Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments, checks its wrist and
shakes a threatening little fist at you.

A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted shutters and
thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale. A curiously painted
sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick Shoppe."