
Zork III-specific case in GOTO seems unnecessary

eriktorbjorn opened this issue · 0 comments

From GOTO:

			    <NOT ,DEAD>
			    <FSET? .WLOC ,VEHBIT>>
		       %<COND (<==? ,ZORK-NUMBER 1>
"The " D .WLOC " comes to a rest on the shore." CR CR>)
			      (<==? ,ZORK-NUMBER 2>
			       '<COND (<EQUAL? .WLOC ,BALLOON>
"The balloon lands." CR>)
				      (<FSET? .WLOC ,VEHBIT>
"The " D .WLOC " comes to a stop." CR CR>)>)
			      (<==? ,ZORK-NUMBER 3>
			       '<COND (<FSET? .WLOC ,VEHBIT>
"The " D .WLOC " comes to a stop." CR CR>)>)>)>

The only vehicle I can find in Zork III is the time machine, and you can't ride it around. You have to push it. So the Zork III-specific case here is probably unnecessary, as far as I can tell.