
Missing newline when winning the game?

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This is what it normally looks like when you win the game:

Inside the Barrow
As you enter the barrow, the door closes inexorably behind you. Around you it is
dark, but ahead is an enormous cavern, brightly lit. Through its center runs a
wide stream. Spanning the stream is a small wooden footbridge, and beyond a path
leads into a dark tunnel. Above the bridge, floating in the air, is a large
sign. It reads:  All ye who stand before this bridge have completed a great and
perilous adventure which has tested your wit and courage. You have mastered the
first part of the ZORK trilogy. Those who pass over this bridge must be prepared
to undertake an even greater adventure that will severely test your skill and

The ZORK trilogy continues with "ZORK II: The Wizard of Frobozz" and is
completed in "ZORK III: The Dungeon Master."
Your score is 350 (total of 350 points), in 591 moves.
This gives you the rank of Master Adventurer.

Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
position, or end this session of the game?

This is what it looks like if you've set the "Tandy" bit:

Inside the Barrow
As you enter the barrow, the door closes inexorably behind you. Around you it is
dark, but ahead is an enormous cavern, brightly lit. Through its center runs a
wide stream. Spanning the stream is a small wooden footbridge, and beyond a path
leads into a dark tunnel. Above the bridge, floating in the air, is a large
sign. It reads:  All ye who stand before this bridge have completed a great and
perilous adventure which has tested your wit and courage. You have mastered
ZORK: The Great Underground Empire.

Your score is 350 (total of 350 points), in 589 moves.
This gives you the rank of Master Adventurer.

Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
position, or end this session of the game?

I think it looks better with a newline before the final score. This is handled by STONE-BARROW-FCN.