TLM Hospital Information System

The open source application with bahasa indonesia based source code and Grade-A hospital bussiness process

Stack Technologies

  • PHP 8
  • EcmaScript 2020 + typescript

Technical Features

  • web based application
  • SPA (single page application) + SSFA (single script file application)
  • width range screen: from mobile phone screen, desktop screen, to very-width screen
  • long running application like desktop app, android app, or apple app
  • small footprint
  • highly configurable and extendable
  • highly readable source code
  • simplified complex algorithm

Non Technical Features

  • multi language: local or international language
  • multi theme
  • designed for Grade-A hospital bussiness process
  • downgradable for small institution and simple business process
  • intuitive design and layout

coming soon: 02-01-2021

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