
Show Associated Model As Leaf Nodes?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

My model that acts_as_nested set is called Category. It has many Assets. I would like to display my entire hierarchy of categories and their assets in the tree. Is there any way to have the sortable tree display not only children, but also the assets that belong to any given category as leaf nodes?

Have no idea how it should looks, but of course you can.
See this part of helper.
In your case node is Category item.
You can implement anything what you need in your custom render helper.
For example

assets_html = ""
node.assets.each do |asset|
  assets_html << "<div>#{ asset.image.url }" "#{ asset.title }</div>"

"<div>#{ node.title }</div>" + "<div>#{ assets_htm }</div>"

Awesome! Thanks again. Love this gem!