
Eslint plugin for enforcing newlines in object destructuring assignment past a certain number of properties.


Add newline-destructuring to the plugins section of your eslint configuration file.

plugins: [

Then add the rule in the rules section

rules: {
  'newline-destructuring/newline': 'error'


The rule accepts an option object with the following properties:

  • items [number] (default: 3) - Specifies the maximum number of properties before the plugin requires breaking up the statement to multiple lines.

  • itemsWithRest [number] (default: 2) - Specifies the maximum number of properties contain rest pattern before the plugin requires breaking up the statement to multiple lines.

  • maxLength [number] (default: Infinity) - Specifies the maximum length for source code lines in your project, the plugin will split long destructuring lines even if they contains properties less than value in items or itemsWithRest