SDL2 Fullscreen/Window size bug
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Description: After exiting fullscreen, the window size is changed.
Observed on: Windows 7 (64 bits)
Type: SDL2 bug, see Bug 2067 - Window size limit calculation issue when exiting fullscreen on Windows
Solution: We'll wait for SDL to fix this in a future update. Should we release a new 7kaa version before this, then we need to apply a work-around.
Workaround: Call SDL_SetWindowSize after going out of fullscreen. The patchfile was sent over the mailinglist, and can be downloaded from
Update: Fixed in
As soon as an updated version of libsdl comes out, we can close this issue.
EDIT: Expecting this to be in 2.0.2
SDL 2.0.2 was released Mar 7th. Closing now that we can point people to that version.