
My precious little corner of the internet. (Jan. 2018 - present)

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The404 is my personal site, where I speak my mind and host all sorts of things I've created over the years.

The current iteration of The404 was created on January 18th, 2018. The404 originally belonged to my good friend Zeeshan, who sold me the site for a whopping 1 cent. He now has a new site called The403. 404 is clearly better.

5.3.0 (04/03/2024)

  • css recolour again

5.2.2 (01/19/2024)

  • Github repo list has returned to the homepage.

5.2.1 (01/18/2024)

  • New archive landing page.
  • Some fixes for oversights made yesterday.

5.2.0 (01/17/2024)

  • New lick of paint in time for the 6th anniversary.

5.1.0 (10/06/2023)

  • Added a new landing page, moving the blog and software bits to their own pages.

5.0.2 (09/09/2023)

  • Added link to 404-Editor in the nav bar.

5.0.1 (02/13/2023)

  • Mostly just bugfixes for things I forgot yesterday.
  • Top-level menu button in the header will now have a slick animation when clicked, turning into an X.
  • Arrow sort button in sidenavs also have an animation, turning 180deg when clicked to represent the change in sort direction.
  • Sidenav sort and close buttons have been made much larger, to be easier to interact with on all devices.
    • They also have nicer animations when hovered.
  • Sidenav entries are now prefixed by a dash, making it easier to pick out individual entries at a glance.

5.0.0 (02/12/2023)

  • Makeover time!
    • New header design, this is the largest change.
    • Horizontal menu entries will automatically condense into a hamburger menu when the screen is too narrow to display them all.
    • Lots of new colours. Introducing: yellow! 50% more purple than before.
    • More probably to come.
      • CSS now needs a major cleanup.
    • Backported from RoboResources the highlight animation when scrollToElem is called from the sidenav.
    • Same new style also applied to RoboResources.
  • Added v4.2.5 to the archive.
  • Bump jQuery to v3.6.3.
  • Todo: Replace Firebase with something else.

4.2.5 (04/23/2022)

  • Bump Firebase to 8.10.1, from 7.15.0.
    • The site had been using 7.15.0 since the migration to Firebase in June 2020. Oops.
    • Latest Firebase version is 9.6.11, but 9.X has massive changes that would require rewriting all of my Firebase code, which I don't want to do right now.
      • Hey future me, you should do this.
  • We also no longer load Firebase Analytics, since I only had it enabled for a while during the migration.
    • Performance boost, maybe?
  • Fix pages that were using old jQuery versions, all now use 3.6.0
  • Also fixed some FontAwesome stragglers, everything should use the current version.

4.2.4 (03/30/2022)

  • Migrated to Font Awesome 6
  • Made menu sort order and close buttons sticky, so they don't disappear when the side menu is scrolled down.
  • Added WeDo instructions to the Robo Resources page.

4.2.3 (02/27/2022)

  • Add Robotics Resources pages.
    • Contains archives of programs, instructions and images.
    • Moved Battlebots tournament rankings from /development to /roboresource
  • Make 404 error page a little more friendly, with a potential for young children to be seeing it with the new Robo Resources page.

4.2.2 (02/12/2022)

  • Hide certain repos in the repo list

4.2.1 (01/18/2022)

  • the404's 4th birthday!
  • Changed up the birthday page to be a bit more automated, and in-line with the site's normal content.

4.2.0 (01/08/2022)

  • Changed up the About tab.
    • Removed social media buttons.
    • Removed feedback submission box and related functionality.
    • Added a thing that lists all my git repos, sorted by last commit.
      • This essentially replaces dev.html, which has been removed.
  • Major JS optimization.
    • Replaced all instances of var with let and const, because that's what smart people do.
      • I am now smart.
  • CSS cleanup, things are sorted alphabetically.

4.1.7 (10/23/2021)

  • Lots of CSS fixes and changes.
    • Firefox doesn't support backdrop-filter out of the box, so elements meant to use that property are now opaque on Firefox.
    • Use -moz-available in places where -webkit-fill-available is used, to get the same behavior on Firefox.
    • Adjusted the green-purple background gradient to be a bit smoother.
    • Removed display: table; from .content, not sure why it was there anyways.
    • .prev and .next arrow buttons used on image galleries now have a fixed size of 55px x 55px.
    • Removed a few inline styles, more to come.
  • Tiny bit of housekeeping here and there.

4.1.6 (05/25/2021)

  • Major CSS rewrite, creating separate stylesheets for different things.
    • Unless I did something wrong, everything should look the same.

4.1.5 (01/18/2021)

  • the404's 3rd birthday!
  • Lots of changes to admin.html and archive/index.html, because the museum entries are now stored in Firebase like everything else!
    • Split the About pane of the admin page into 2 columns, one containing the existing feedback stuff.
    • The other holds the museum stuff, and is very similar to the other 2 panes.
    • Some style tweaks to go along with this stuff.
    • The museum page now loads from Firebase, that code can be found in js/gallery.js

4.1.4 (01/12/2021)

  • Did some housekeeping, cleaned things up a bit.
    • Moved museum.html to archive/index.html, the museum images are now in there too.
    • Chucked lore-o-lore and the403 in there too.
    • Moved software/waluigi to development/waluigi, and removed the temporary redirect page at software/sm64code
      • 🦀🦀 software directory is gone 🦀🦀
    • Removed old JS files js/remove-branding.js and js/html2canvas.min.js, since they're unused.
    • Fixed up my old graph assignment page at development/mario.html, so now the links on that page work again.
  • Renewed domain for another year, expires 02/12/2022.
  • A few styling fixes.

4.1.3 (01/08/2021)

  • Lots of changes to the Projects tab.
    • Added an ID-based nav menu, similar to the Blog tab.
    • Tag and Language sorting is still there, those now affect the ID menu too.
    • Projects tab now sorts ascending (newest-first) by default. You can switch to descending by hitting the ↑/↓ button in the nav menu.
  • Implemented an ID-based nav menu on the Projects tab of the admin page (no tag/language sorting, didn't need it).
  • Changed the window width at which the nav menus auto-hide themselves.
    • Was 850px, now 1000px.
  • Also reduced width of blobs on the admin page.
  • Post/Project ids are also shown in small text at the bottom of each blob (or in large text at the top when on the admin page).
  • Some little styling tweaks to make sure each page looks the same.

4.1.2 (01/01/2021)

  • Revamp Birthday page in prep for upcoming birthday.
    • Now uses the Firebase DB like the index page, meaning it's now low maintenance.
    • Easter egg automatically activates between Jan. 17th and 19th of each year.
    • Removed /birthday directory, since it was pretty redundant.
  • Reorganize the archives
    • /old is now /archive/v1
    • /old2 is now /archive/v2
    • /old3 is now /archive/v3

4.1.1 (10/31/2020)

  • Change my name to "Bowden" (actual legal change coming later)
  • MC Server 1.16.4 text changed.

4.1.0 (09/01/2020)

  • Fixed issue #4
    • Admin page login box is now the same width no matter what screen size.
  • Moved old error pages to v3 archive.

4.0.8 (08/02/2020)

  • Added changelog button on About pane.
  • Renamed "Software" pane to "Projects".
    • Still referred to as "Software" internally.
  • Added dev.html, which lists all repos on my GitHub account.
    • Added link in About pane.
    • Relocated 404 repo button to version info section.
  • Removed Mario 64 quiz. That's now found at https://sm64quiz.the404.nl
  • Added joke the403 site from last February.
  • MC server now runs 1.16.2, text changed accordingly.

4.0.7 (07/29/2020)

  • Nav tabs won't show up until page content is retrieved from Firebase.
    • This stops the user from getting sent back to the home tab once stuff actually loads.
  • Removed some unnecessary debug output.
  • Fixed text alignment in tabs.
  • Buttons are 31px tall again. I guess it was just a bug in Chrome's renderer.
  • Better-looking error messages when logging into the admin zone.
  • All projects have an xxxx.the404.nl subdomain, some links have been changed accordingly.
  • Removed CPS530 stuff, since that has its own repo now. https://cps530.the404.nl

4.0.6 (07/14/2020)

  • Buttons are now 30px tall, instead of 31px. The text was slightly off-centre, which was destroying my soul.
  • Both Blog and Software panes can be switched between ascending and descending date sort, whereas it used to be ascending (oldest first) on Software, and descending (newest first) on Blog.

4.0.5 (06/19/2020)

  • Sadly, all good things must come to an end, even v4.0.4.
  • Inactive panes are now set to display: none, primarily for CTRL+F reasons.
    • The content of inactive panes no longer interferes with CTRL+F searches.
    • This will probably prove to be convenient for other reasons as well.
    • I was worried this would interfere with the animations and scroll-position-saving, but it just works.
  • Feedback on Admin page is now sorted by date, for my sanity.
    • Fixed bug where feedback submitted on the same day overwrites older feedback from that day.
  • Grammar tweaks on Museum page, and general spelling fixes throughout the site.
  • Added v4.0.4 commemoration to Museum.
  • Dots in image galleries are now dynamically generated, so I don't have to keep copy-pasting them.
  • Adjusted hover animation for circular image gallery arrow buttons.
  • Changed input placeholder text colour to be more readable.
  • CSS tweaks to 404 (the error) page.
  • Removed SM64TT site, since that has now been properly preserved at https://the404devs.github.io/sm64tt/
  • Adjusted CSS to accommodate software entires with 3 buttons.
  • Fixed CSS, so that webpage content fills the whole screen width on screens larger than the one I'm currently using.
  • Updating blog posts and such from the Admin page now invalidates the cache, so changes will be reflected on the main site immediately.
  • Minecraft server now runs 1.16.1, text changed accordingly.

4.0.4 (06/17/2020)

  • This version number will only happen once, enjoy it while it lasts!

  • Fixed bug where nav menus from inactive panes would interfere with interacting with active pane
    • Inactive panes are now set to z-index -1
  • Plenty of admin page polish, not that you'll ever see it
    • Moved "Sign out" button to header, alongside new "Refresh" button that, well, refreshes the page with the up-to-date db contents.
    • Styling changes to email feedback viewer.
  • Feedback submitted through the site now has a date appended to it, for my own convenience.
  • Adjusted 404 (the error) page to include a home button at the top, as well as fixed up the styling to be more consistent with the main site.
  • Background of text inputs are now ever so slightly darker than before on hover.
  • Styling tweaks for the About pane.
  • Removed underline from post-head and post-date. Might revert later.

4.0.3 (06/16/2020)

  • Added feedback viewer to admin page.
  • Added link to 404 repo on museum page.
  • Tweaked css background-transparent colour to be more transparent.
  • Gave pages unique titles.
  • Adjusted text shadows.
  • Moved fonts to separate directory.
  • Replaced Overpass font with Gilroy.

4.0.2 (06/12/2020)

  • Added filter to Software pane, as promised.
    • Specifying a tag (eg: "Games") shows only entries with that tag.
    • Works the same with languages (eg: "C#").
    • If both a tag and language are selected, only entries with that tag and language combo are displayed.
      • eg: all "Games" written in "C#"
  • Added the 404 Museum, a showcase of the404's history.
  • Slapped a tab on each non-index page that takes you back to the homepage, if clicking the logo wasn't obvious enough.
  • Created custom checkbox images for use in the Software filter menu.

4.0.1 (06/08/2020)

  • Content now served over HTTPS
  • Fixed up 404 page (the error)
  • Added things left behind during the Github migration
    • Toad's Terror
    • Mario Quiz
    • Unfinished Waluigi Game
  • Removed 404-Editor, I don't know how it snuck in here
  • Added super-secret, super-secure admin page
    • Accessed via version number on index
    • Requires logging into the DB
    • Allows me to edit and create blog posts and software entries.
    • Relatively Zeeshan-proof
  • Added simple image gallery for logo renders
  • Added link to this repo
  • Slight changes to the 'About' pane.

4.0.0 (06/07/2020)

  • Archived 3.X version, found under the old3 directory.
  • Moved blog and software entries to Firebase.
    • Removed old blog and software JSON files.
  • Replaced PHP code that reads data from JSON files to generate site with JS/jQuery code that reads from Firebase.
    • Firebase code found within js/firebase.js
    • In order to reduce the amount of read requests sent to Firebase (there's a limit of 50k per day), the DB is cached, and we use a cookie to validate the age of the cache. We only update the cache DB if the current cache is over an hour old, or if the cookie magically disappears.
  • Altered archives that use PHP to simply use a snapshot of a generated index. These include old2, old3, birthday
  • Separated Birthday archive from the main site, cleaning the place up a bit.
  • New feedback system. Instead of directly emailing me, feedback is saved in the Firebase DB.
  • Bottom of the "About" pane got a clean-up.
  • Migrated site from 000webhost to GitHub Pages.
    • RIP scottmsenior777, brutally murdered in his sleep.
  • Minor CSS changes because weird shit was happening?

3.7.2 (06/06/2020)

  • Added navigation menu to blog pane, allowing for easy finding of the different articles.
  • Added framework for tag-based filter on software pane.
  • Chucked onto Github due to hosting troubles. Will likely migrate to Github Pages in the coming days.

Legacy Changelog (pre-Github)

Some versions may be missing, I didn't keep detailed changelogs for the site back then.

3.7.1 (06/01/2020)

  • Added lore.
  • Added logo renders.
  • Migrated all projects to Github, links changed accordingly.

3.7.0 (05/07/2020)

  • New green/purple colour scheme.

3.6.0 (02/14/2020)

  • New sunset-like colour scheme.

3.5.1 (01/10/2020)

  • Added retro-style birthday page.

3.5.0 (12/07/2019)

  • Overhauled site to make it more colourful.
  • Added index page for CPS530 stuff.

3.4.1 (09/08/2019)

  • Software entries given the JSON treatment as well.

3.4.0 (09/07/2019)

  • Removed hardcoded blog posts from index.
  • Blog posts are stored as JSON files, and page content is dynamically generated via some PHP code.

3.3.0 (08/04/2019)

  • Added status thing for Minecraft server (mc.the404.nl)
  • Cleaned up the site, added some purple and some new fonts.

3.2.0 (06/06/2019)

  • New blue/red colourscheme.

3.1.0 (04/04/2019)

  • New font, and new colours.

3.0.0 (03/10/2019)

  • Site completely rewritten.
  • Added navigation tabs in top-right.

2.2.0 (01/31/2019)

  • Added social media buttons to Contact tab.
  • Removed old Main tab, added first blog post.

2.1.0 (09/16/2018)

  • Added link to Waluigi's Quest for Smash to main tab.
  • Updated Contact tab.

2.0.0 (08/27/2018)

  • Rewritten and redesigned site.
  • Introducing: purple!
  • All content is within index.html, and different tabs divide up the content.

1.2.0 (06/28/2018)

  • Updated index.
  • Added links to CS projects on index.
  • Changed header font to Camaraderie.
  • Changed accent colour to purple.

1.1.1 (03/16/2018)

  • Added more things to Software page, split into categories.

1.1.0 (02/16/2018)

  • Added fun things to main page.

1.0.0 (01/26/2018)

  • Added proper main page, as well as Software and Development pages.
  • New navigation menu.

0.0.1 (01/18/2018)

  • Initial version.
  • Beta homepage.