
A tracker application for Ocarina of Time Randomizer (Dec. 2018 - present)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tracker application for Ocarina of Time Randomizer


Based off the work of Jared Branum, which can be found here

0.2.7 (06/12/2020)

  • Fixed broken 0.2.6 CSS.
  • Minor fixes here and there.

0.2.6 (01/22/2020)

  • Testing some UI tweaks
  • What even is this project

0.2.5 (11/01/2019)

  • Completed maps for Water, Shadow and Spirit Temples, and BOTW (Still need to plot checks).
  • Adjusted maps for Deku, Dodongo's, and Jabu to have each floor correctly superimposed over each other.
  • Slight adjustments to the map view.
  • Adjusted Song class to contain a sequence of notes corresponding to that song. Will be used for a future loading animation.

0.2.4 (03/07/2019)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the application to load incorrectly, by attempting to create an Item object prior to loading the Item class. Oops.
  • Loading animation. Exact same one as used in 404editor, might make a more interesting one in the future
  • Dungeon maps in need of plotting:
    • Water Temple
  • Dungeon maps in need of completion:
    • Spirit Temple
    • Shadow Temple
    • Ganon's Castle
    • BOTW
    • GTG

0.2.3 (02/19/2019)

  • A whole new interface for recording the hints from the Pedestal of Time.

    • If, by mistake, you select the same location for two medallions/stones, a warning message will appear.
  • Changed Kakariko colour from #b348d2 to #8500f7. It seemed too light, with the Shadow Temple and all.

  • Changed some button styling

  • New Settings interface, the more modals the merrier!

  • Reworked the UI to be more mobile-friendly. Here are the details:

    • Before, both the left (checks, tabs) and the right (inventory) sides were always displayed, no matter what. This was no big deal on a normal screen, but on something smaller, like a cell phone, this meant the map got squashed in between the two.
    • Now, if the width of the screen is below 1190px, the inventory is automatically hidden, and a tab is added on the left to pull up the inventory whenever you need it.
    • This gives the map room to breathe, and prevents it from making the item checks unreadable.
    • Additionally, if the screen is less than 500px tall, the inventory's header is hidden, preventing you from having to scroll through the inventory pop-up to mark off the Stone of Agony.
  • Shrank the map container down a bit, to reduce the wasted space on it's right side.

    • As such, the extremely wide map of the Graveyard was adjusted accordingly.
    • Other affected areas were also corrected.
  • Known issues

    • If you mark off a check you can't actually access with your current inventory (for example, a Song of Storms grotto without an ocarina), it won't disappear from the map until you meet the item requirements for that check.

0.2.2 (02/17/2019)

I'm back on the grind with this thing again! Here's what's been changed:

  • Slight UI improvements
    • New checkboxes, radio buttons
    • Added text to header
    • Slight change to checklist format
    • Altered Inventory layout
    • Left-side tabs are a bit larger
    • Settings tab will now be a modal dialog (0.2.3)
    • Gave default buttons some CSS love. They still need some more, though.
    • When viewing a map of a dungeon, the map's title will now show the current floor
      • Ex: Forest Temple (2F)
  • Finished up putting Fire Temple checks on the map
  • Fixed rooms missing from Fire Temple 3F
  • Removal of obsolete tab-switching code, now that only the left-hand tabs are present.