
Object Detection API for YoloV4

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello @theAIGuysCode, great work !!!.

What changes would I have to implement to use YoloV4?

Thank you

hello Diana, did you find a way to make this work on Yolov4 ?

Hello @saifddine

I made it work with this repository

@dianamariand92 Is there a repository which I can use to create this API with Yolov4?

I am interested too. Haven't found a way yet.

Hello @dianamariand92.
Can you please explain how you used yolov4 with the repo you mentioned?
What is the process you followed?
Do you mind sharing your code with us?

I tried converting my yolov4 weights to tensorflow models (.pb) but cannot make it work with the code for the API.

Please take a moment to answer,
appreciate it