
RPC message direct after room change bug

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This problem only happen when you try connect online (You don't use LAN you use the ONLINE feature) to the same computer. And when you try to send some text varaibles that may become unicode when the text is turn to json by the RPC code. When the game just change the room.

Say we try send packet 28, 29, 30 (with text as arguments) to the client on the 3 first steps when you enter the new room.
But he will not receive them.
After about 10 steps in the new room the RPC start to work again for the server.
And the server send packet 31.
The client now receive nr 31 and notice that he is missing 28, 29, 30.
So the client request them.
The server got the request and resend 28 to the client.
But the client wont receive 28.

A simple workaround is to wait about 10 steps in the new room before starting to use RPC messages.
Or convert the text to a number and then send it.

This is GM bug.

Can be closed.