
Connection with server failed! + network_create_socket_ext doesn't exist

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First say thank you for this great NetEngine. We're wanting to use it for a semi-professional experimental game and we just found while testing that when you open the Engin Core Project ( Downloaded in Version 1.3.0 ) and just loading the Project File it says

Error in Script "htme_serverStart" at Line 28, Position 24: Unknown function or script: network_create_socket_ext

I've found some documentation about this command and seems to currently exist but at least for me isnt recognized by GMStudio 1.4.
I tryied changing it for network_create_server(type, port, maxclients) wich seems to be like the network_create_socket_ext.

I already opened Firewall to the 2 executables im using to see the Demo and when i check in the Lobby I see the server i've opened in the other program but when i Try to connect i always get Connection with server failed! I placed admin powers to the executables, firewalls open and it doesnt works. Any help? :3 Version 1.3.0
is outdated.

You can change the version in htme_config>self.gmversionpick=1;
Just comment the network_create_socket_ext in the script that give you an error. (Check the comments in the code)