
Get feature map filled with zeros in FilterNorm

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hi, in build_channel_branch function, FilterNorm with filter_type='channel' is a subsequent module after AdaptiveAvgPool2d, which is expected to get a N*C*1*1 feature map as input. But in FilterNorm, you calculate mean in the 2nd dim, which will return the feature map itself because this dim is a singleton dim.


Lines 158 to 170 in b3be7fa

elif self.filter_type == 'channel':
b = x.size(0)
c = self.in_channels
x = x.reshape(b, c, -1)
x = x - x.mean(dim=2).reshape(b, c, 1)
x = x / (x.std(dim=2).reshape(b, c, 1) + 1e-10)
x = x.reshape(b, -1)
if self.runing_std:
x = x * self.std[None, :]
x = x * self.std
if self.runing_mean:
x = x + self.mean[None, :]

So line 162 will always return a zero feature map, and line 163 return an NaN map.

Is it a potential bug?

not N * C * 1 * 1 but N * C * k * k

FilterNorm is not used after Adaptivepool, but applied after the SE structure.

not N * C * 1 * 1 but N * C * k * k

FilterNorm is not used after Adaptivepool, but applied after the SE structure.

It is used after AdaptiveAvgPool2d:


Lines 191 to 200 in b3be7fa

def build_channel_branch(in_channels, kernel_size,
nonlinearity='relu', se_ratio=0.2):
assert se_ratio > 0
mid_channels = int(in_channels * se_ratio)
return nn.Sequential(
nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1)),
nn.Conv2d(in_channels, mid_channels, 1),
nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, in_channels * kernel_size ** 2, 1),
FilterNorm(in_channels, kernel_size, 'channel', nonlinearity, running_std=True))

Please reopen the issue if you don't mind

As the code you mentioned, Filter Norm is applied after the "nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, in_channels * kernel_size ** 2, 1)", instead of "nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1))".

So, FilterNorm is not used after Adaptivepool2d, but applied after the SE structure. Since there is the SE structure, the input size will be N * C * k * k

No matter what feature map get into channel_branch, AdaptiveAvgPool2d (line 196) spatially squeezed it into 1*1, and Conv2d with kernel=1 (line 197), ReLU (line 198), and Conv2d with kernel=1 (line 199) did not change the spatial size. So the input feature map to FilterNorm in line 200 will always be 1*1.

Oh, I got your point. Yes, strictly speaking, the feature maps is 1 * 1 in spatial. However, its total size is (N, (C * k * k), 1, 1). So, if you reshape it in the FilterNorm, it becomes N, C, k * k (strictly speaking). Anyway, the number of elements is N * C * k * k

OK, now I got why I encoutered this error.

When instantiated a DDFPack module, I passed kernel_size=1, which make (N, C, k, k) became (N, C, 1, 1) and raised that bug.


Lines 203 to 217 in b3be7fa

class DDFPack(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, dilation=1, head=1,
se_ratio=0.2, nonlinearity='relu', gen_kernel_size=1, kernel_combine='mul'):
super(DDFPack, self).__init__()
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.stride = stride
self.dilation = dilation
self.head = head
self.kernel_combine = kernel_combine
self.spatial_branch = build_spatial_branch(
in_channels, kernel_size, head, nonlinearity, stride, gen_kernel_size)
self.channel_branch = build_channel_branch(
in_channels, kernel_size, nonlinearity, se_ratio)

I suggest to add an assertion before calling build_channel_branch to ensure in this branch the kernel size ≠ 1.

Thanks for the advice, I have updated it