Audiophile / Studio grade usb audio
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Just got some feedback.
I recently purchased a Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD and wanted to use it with Rocksmith 2014, via Wineasio RS_ASIO. It took me 3 days to figure out what I was doing wrong.
First of all, this particular class of hardware is currently having some kernel support issues. I was able to get it to work with Linux-LTS 5.15.85, and with 6.0.13, but I can't get any sound in or out in any software with 6.1.1.
On the Wine side, I additionally had to:
WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/221680/pfx wineasio-settings
Then in the ui, set the number of channels to match my audio device, 4-in and 4-out. I also had to set the buffer size to 256, to match what I was using in the steam launch command.
The steam launch command I was using to assist with the trouble shooting is:
/usr/bin/pw-jack -v -s 48000 -p 256 %command%
Just wanted to record my findings somewhere. Hope this helps somebody!
Hey... I have another enhancement to report.
I finally figured out how to get pitch shifting to work so I don't have to retune my guitar anymore!
I'm using Tonelib-GFX (Awesome software, well worth purchasing), and using its pitch shifting.
Launch Tonelib-GFX from command line with the same pw-jack
command as above. It's important that the buffer size for everything is the same!
Set pitch=-1, fine=0, tracking=50, direct=0 and effect=100 in Tonelib for the pitchshift plugin. In tonelib set the output to 'none'
Open qpwgraph
before you launch Rocksmith 2014. Launch Rocksmith. While it is still on the welcome screen, disconnect rocksmith from your input device and connect it to the output of JUCEJack
That should work a treat!
First message here doesn't seem to need any action by me.
I'll leave the issue open in case I want to try what you mentioned in the second one.
Okay, I finally tried Tonelib-GFX and wrote a page on something like this tool. I also mentioned the pw-jack debugging step now.
Actually, there is something I want to ask:
This can't be found on my machine (compiled wineasio myself). Where did you get this from? EDIT: I see a folder named "gui" in the wineasio repo. That's probably a good hint.