
zsh script to run C++ files in terminal

Primary LanguageShell


This simple script compiles and runs a C++ file with a single command. It's useful for simple programs (single .cpp files that don't require linking as a part of the compilation process). I'll create a more robust version that can handle linking header/definition files if necessary.


To use the script globally, like a regular terminal command, you must add a directory containing this script to the PATH variable. The PATH variable tells the shell where to look for terminal commands.

Adding a directory to PATH

On macOS Catalina, I made a directory /Users/justin/bin, where I save any *.sh scripts. I added this directory to the PATH variable by adding this line to ~/.zshrc

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/justin/bin

I also made two aliases in the .zshrc file:

cprdo='compile_and_run.sh --overwrite true --post_delete true'

Command Line Options:

There's one positional argument:

    the *.cpp filename (including file extension .cpp)

There are two keyword arguments:

    overwrite the output file, if it exists
    false by default. any string in overwrite evaluates to true.

    delete the output file after it runs (simulates python behavior)
    false by default. any string in post_delete evaluates to true.

Example use:

  compile_and_run.sh helloworld.cpp --overwrite true --post_delete true
Alternatively, using the alias I defined above:
  cprdo helloworld.cpp