
Config building webapp

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As suggested by @gu3st.

i.e. xi4n config . launches web app that can read and write config.yaml's.

When I have some free time, I'll work on this as a standalone to be integrated afterwards. Shouldn't be impossible :)

It'll require each plugin to be able to expose their settings, to simplify the process as much as possible. I'm thinking each plugin has a package.json with a xi4n: { options: {} } section, or something?

Yeah. There definitely needs to be a template. My initial thing would to just have a basic UI for adding/removing plugins. Reading and writing the cfg file. Even with faux-data just as a proof of concept/testing.. then integrating real XI4N data to back it.

Although the options will need some structure as well. Label, UI type, options (if it's one that has a select set of options).