
Can I add keycloke event logs and Admin logs to the table?

jinseokyeo opened this issue · 6 comments

Features developed so far are very well used. Can I also add event and admin logging capabilities?

Should be possible to add as I can see it in the API docs, albeit may need to ensure it's included in the SDK.
Realm Admin-Events

Apologies for the delay - I've setup a branch for this issue and made an initial additional table keycloak_event - if you're comfortable building from source, feel free to test drive it :)

@jinseokyeo - were you able to test this by building from source and if so, did you get your expected results?

@graza-io I'm sorry for the late reply. The desired results are extracted. Thank you.

Hello, I found a bug while checking the event log function, so I'm sharing it with you.

failed to populate column 'time': rpc error: code = Internal desc = transform convertTimestamp failed with panic interface conversion: interface {} is int64, not *int64 (SQLSTATE HV000

Thanks, there's a fix on the main branch, will release with next update.