
Genesis overlay

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Sega Genesis is not showing up as a bezel to enable, similar to pc engine and tg-16 i thought i saw the option before. please let me know if i am looking at this wrong and thank you

this is for the current version of retropie 4.8 on a rasberry pi 3b+

In this case, the Genesis bezels are combined and found under the MegaDrive selection.

thank you for the reply,
How do i get only the genesis system to show for the overlay and not the megadrive?

This set was made using a universal designed border, so there is no separation. As long as your game names match the bezel files, it should just work.

Thank you, I checked the names of some using the no-into name list and it still shows MegaDrive, I noticed in the files only the MegaDrive .png is loaded and none for genesis, is this normal or did I miss a step? I am using the system theme

There is no use of the name Genesis at all, so MegaDrive is all you will see. Having said that, like I said, Genesis games were folded into the set.

Thank you for the reply, my main question was to have genesis branded on the left side of the bezel to match the rest of the theme, another issue that is happening is the system does not recognize is installed, when I select it to update it just does a reinstall with not option to update or uninstall

Also, on MegaDrive, the 3 ninjas kick back (USA).png is missing the box and game art and only show a generic cartridge and box

3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA)

At the time of creation, art for those items were unavailable (that is why the default images were used). Haven't checked lately if that is still true. We haven't had time to circle back and rework anything.

We will also check on your previous item when time permits.

Thank you for all your work, the more I check it the more I can tell this took a huge amount of time and resources, I couldn't thank you enough on how this program makes our systems look great even the SuperGrafx is available. And on my part, I just have those three issues, but you can close this thread and I'll just keep updating to see the updates.