
Hex logo

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I made a quick logo, do you like the concept or should we do something else?

z3tt commented

I love it! What does the black triangle on the right represent? Is it a play button?

Related name discussion: camcordr would be an option as well, what do you think? I like both camcorder and camcordr

The triangle is the tape that is inside the VHS box. Not so obvious, I guess 🙃

Both names work for me!

I'm loving the hex - much more creative and digging the retro nod. we could lean into that if you want to change it, otherwise I'm happy!

Also, unless you feel strongly, I feel like camcorder might be a little easier to remember 🤷

z3tt commented

Let's stick to camcorder as package name.
So I am going to close that issue since we all ❤️ the logo. Thanks @gkaramanis!