
Add support to generate .dot files if graphviz is not present

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At my work, unfortunately I am not allowed to install graphviz in my Windows, so running pydeps generates an error:

'dot' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

However, I can visualize graphviz input files by other mechanisms (workarounds), provided I have the graphviz input file:

  • on VSCode using plugin joaompinto.vscode-graphviz or

  • I can go to a special virtual Linux remote environment (its somewhat time intensive to do that, but I can do it) and convert graphviz files from there.

I would like to make pydeps generate the graphviz text file without bothering to apply the dot conversor on it, so that I can use my works arounsd, but I have found no way of doing that.

I tried: --noshow, --nodot, but I have not file being generated.

Is this a lacking feature or is the documentation not clear enough? If this is a missing feature, could you pleeaaasseee add it, pleeaasee??

Thank you!!

I believe you're looking for the combination of --show-dot --no-show which will print the dot file to screen, and not call the external program to display the graph. If you have a program that can do the display you might instead look at the --display <program> flag that lets you specify which program should be used instead of dot.

Very nice!! If I want to write the result in a text in a file, is there a native way of doing that? Im on Windows and cannot pipe the file (not that I am aware of) and I cannot install anything that would do it for me

pydeps --show-dot --no-show yourpackage > works on all platforms (including Windows).