
Accessible Accordion component for React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Try a demo now.


First, grab the package from npm:

npm install --save react-accessible-accordion react react-dom

Then, import the editor and use it in your code. Here is a basic example:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import {
} from 'react-accessible-accordion';

// Demo styles, see 'Styles' section below for some notes on use.
import 'react-accessible-accordion/dist/fancy-example.css';

const Example = () => (
                <h3>Simple title</h3>
                <p>Body content</p>
                <h3>Complex title</h3>
                <div>With a bit of description</div>
                <p>Body content</p>

ReactDOM.render(<Example />, document.querySelector('[data-mount]'));


We strongly encourage you to write your own styles for your accordions, but we've published these two starter stylesheets to help you get up and running:

// 'Minimal' theme - hide/show the AccordionBody component:
import 'react-accessible-accordion/dist/minimal-example.css';

// 'Fancy' theme - boilerplate styles for all components, as seen on our demo:
import 'react-accessible-accordion/dist/fancy-example.css';

We recommend that you copy them into your own app and modify them to suit your needs, particularly if you're using your own classNames.




name type default description
accordion Boolean true Open only one item at a time or not
onChange Function(keys) noop Triggered on change (open/close items)
className String accordion CSS class(es) applied to the component



name type default description
expanded Boolean false Expands this item on first render
className String accordion__item CSS class(es) applied to the component
hideBodyClassName String null Class name for hidden body state
uuid String null Custom uuid to be passed to Accordion - onChange. Has to be unique.



name type default description
className String accordion__title CSS class(es) applied to the component
hideBodyClassName String null Class name for hidden body state



name type default description
className String accordion__body CSS class(es) applied to the component
hideBodyClassName String accordion__body--hidden Class name for hidden body state


Resets the internal counter for Accordion items' identifiers (including `id` attributes). For use in test suites and isomorphic frameworks.


What this project is doing accessibility-wise?

This project manages two types of Accordions, with single or multiple items open.

Single item

Use this with with props accordion set to true on Accordion.

For this type of Accordion, you will get the following role set up on your elements:

  • Accordion: tablist
  • AccordionItem: no specific role
  • AccordionItemTitle: tab
  • AccordionItemBody: tabpanel

Multiple items

For this type of Accordion, you will get the following role set up on your elements:

Use this with with props accordion set to false on Accordion.

  • Accordion: no specific role
  • AccordionItem: no specific role
  • AccordionItemTitle: button
  • AccordionItemBody: no specific role



Clone the project on your computer, and install Node. This project also uses nvm.

nvm install
# Then, install all project dependencies.
npm install
# Install the git hooks.
# Set up a `.env` file with the appropriate secrets.
touch .env

Working on the project

Everything mentioned in the installation process should already be done.

# Make sure you use the right node version.
nvm use
# Start the the development tools in watch mode.
npm run start
# Runs linting.
npm run lint
# Runs tests.
npm run test
# View other available commands with:
npm run

Run the demo

Everything mentioned in the installation process should already be done.

# Make sure you use the right node version.
nvm use
# Start the server and the development tools.
npm run start-demo


npm version [TYPE]
git push origin master --tags
npm publish

Browser support

Supported browser / device versions:

Browser Device/OS Version Notes
Mobile Safari iOS latest
Chrome Android latest
IE Windows 11
MS Edge Windows latest
Chrome Desktop latest
Firefox Desktop latest
Safari OSX latest