
Automatic Automated Autonomous TradingView Trade Strategy BackTesting


This program can be used for automating back tests using trade strategies on tradingview.com Users must have an account on tradingview.com, be familiar with saving/editing chart layouts, and how to choose/utilize back testing strategies.

Review the Official MotorBackTV Wiki Page For Detailed Instructions:

Download Latest Program Release Here:

PC Requirements

  • OS: Windows 7 or newer (developed/tested on Windows 10 & Windows Server 2012)
    Linux and MAC support pending

  • Java: Java 8 or newer (developed/tested on Java 8)

  • Browser: FireFox (ver. 103) or Chrome (ver. 103)
    NOTE: Program Developed and Tested With Browser Installed At Default Locations...
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

Quick Start Directions (see https://github.com/motorback/motorBackTV/wiki#iii-quick-start-directions for detailed instructions)
Sample configuration options and files are provided to quickly get the program running once extracted on the users PC.

  1. Download Chrome driver (should match Chrome version) or FireFox driver.
  2. Double click the motorBackTV_vX.XX.jar file to open the program console window.
  3. Input the Trading View URL of desired chart and back test strategy for properties #1 and #2.
    (reference: https://github.com/motorback/motorBackTV/wiki#iv-motorbacktv-console-screen)
  4. Complete the browser choice properties #5 thru #9.
    (reference: https://github.com/motorback/motorBackTV/wiki#iv-motorbacktv-console-screen)
  5. Click "START BACK TEST" button at bottom of console window to start back testing.

The demo mode will enable any user to conduct 15 back tests at a time without the need of an access key.