
Before show?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Is there a way I can to do some sort of "before show" on a form step?

I'm trying to hide the submit button under some circumstances when a form step is show.

I'm currently doing it on the step_show event, but there is a flicker.

Is there a way I can hook into some sort of before show event? Or perhaps another way I could do it?

If not would it be a good feature of formwizard?

Keep up the good work (awesome plugin!)

-thanks for your help

Hi, sorry for the delay.

No, there is currently no before "show event", but if you send me your form html and wizard initialization code - I'll try to find you a workaround. My email is jan.sundman[at]

I'll think about adding this functionality for a later release though.

Thanks for looking into this for me, very kind of you.

Sorry for not responding sooner!

Not to worry, I've come up with a workaround - but thanks for your help.

Would be a nice feature for the future.