
Using Gulp

Opened this issue · 4 comments

In your read me you suggest that with this package you can "run Gulp / Grunt tasks". However I cannot find any documentation on how to do this without installing Gulp Globally (via npm, which seems to defeat the purpose).

Any guidance would be appreciated.

You can install locally with ./vendor/bin/npm install gulp and run it using ./vendor/bin/node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js

Thanks @nsams
I'll think about writing a gulp-installer package to simplify even further (it would be great to have a ./vendor/bin/gulp command!

This pointed me in the right direction. Thanks @nsams

@moufmouf, I would love to see a gulp-installer package.

Thanks for this, I wasn't able to install node.js the normal way on my shared server but this seems to work great, needed a sass compiler so thanks alot