Need help debugging an issue?? with fdir
glenn2223 opened this issue · 4 comments
I've had an issue opened over on a repo - glenn2223/vscode-live-sass-compiler#145
I can't for the life of me figure out why fdir has returned a file count of 0 when the filters applied all return true for one file
They have an SSH connection in VS Code but I don't see why that would be a problem
I have copied out a section of code that produces the below output (copied from this comment)
const isMatch = picomatch(fileList, { ignore: excludeItems, dot: true, nocase: true });
OutputWindow.Show(OutputLevel.Trace, "Searching folder", null, false);
const searchLogs: Map<string, string[]> = new Map<string, string[]>();
const searchFileCount = (
(await new fdir()
.crawlWithOptions(basePath, {
filters: [
(filePath) =>
filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".scss") ||
(filePath) => {
const result = isMatch(path.relative(basePath, filePath));
searchLogs.set(`Path: ${filePath}`, [
` isMatch: ${result}`,
` - Base path: ${basePath}`,
` - Rela path: ${path.relative(basePath, filePath)}`,
return result;
(filePath) => {
const result =
.localeCompare(path.toNamespacedPath(sassPath), undefined, {
sensitivity: "accent",
}) === 0;
.get(`Path: ${filePath}`)
` compare: ${result}`,
` - Orig file path: ${filePath}`,
` - Orig sass path: ${sassPath}`
return result;
includeBasePath: true,
onlyCounts: true,
resolvePaths: true,
suppressErrors: true,
.withPromise()) as OnlyCountsOutput
const x = await new fdir()
.crawlWithOptions(basePath, {
includeBasePath: true,
group: true,
resolvePaths: true,
suppressErrors: true,
OutputWindow.Show(OutputLevel.Trace, "FDIR OUTPUT", [JSON.stringify(x)]);
OutputWindow.Show(OutputLevel.Trace, "Search results", undefined, false);
searchLogs.forEach((logs, key) => {
OutputWindow.Show(OutputLevel.Trace, key, logs, false);
And here is the section from the output
Searching folder
"files":[ ]
/// Bunch of SQL files removed for brevity
/// Bunch of PHP files removed for brevity
Search results
Path: /home/dave/MagentoAPI/dev/src/styles/main.scss
isMatch: true
- Base path: /home/dave/MagentoAPI
- Rela path: dev/src/styles/main.scss
compare: true
- Orig file path: /home/dave/MagentoAPI/dev/src/styles/main.scss
- Orig sass path: /home/dave/MagentoAPI/dev/src/styles/main.scss
I am taking a look at this. Hold on.
@glenn2223 can you try this again with v5.2.0?
Thanks for working on this and turning it around so quickly!
I have asked the individual to test this release and get back to me
Report back soon with good news I hope 🤞
They have confirmed that it's fixed in v5.2