What's the correct way to use globbing?
TwitchBronBron opened this issue · 2 comments
TwitchBronBron commented
What is the correct way to utilize the globbing functionality in fdir? When I run the following test, it does not properly filter the results.
const fs = require('fs');
const { fdir } = require('fdir');
//make some temp files to scan
if (!fs.existsSync('./temp')) {
fs.writeFileSync('./temp/alpha.json', '');
fs.writeFileSync('./temp/beta.txt', '');
//find only the files that match the glob
const results = new fdir().glob('*.txt').crawlWithOptions('./temp', {}).sync();
The glob seems to have no effect, and I'm instead given all of the files in the directory.
Am I using it wrong? I've installed picomatch, and tried this on fdir 5.2.0, 5.1.0, 5.0.0, 4.1.0, and 4.0.0, all with the same results.
Running the same test but fast-glob (which also uses picomatch) returns the expected results.
const results = require('fast-glob').sync('*.txt', { cwd: './temp' });
thecodrr commented
Try this:
const fs = require("fs");
const { fdir } = require("./index");
//make some temp files to scan
if (!fs.existsSync("./temp")) {
fs.writeFileSync("./temp/alpha.json", "");
fs.writeFileSync("./temp/beta.txt", "");
//find only the files that match the glob
const results = new fdir()
You can either use the builder pattern or crawlWithOptions
— not both. That was the only issue with this.
TwitchBronBron commented
That did the trick, thanks!