Bug: Module '"picomatch"' has no exported member 'PicomatchOptions'.
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balupton commented
My typescript project fails to compile with the following error:
node_modules/fdir/dist/src/builder/index.d.ts:4:15 - error TS2305: Module '"picomatch"' has no exported member 'PicomatchOptions'.
4 import type { PicomatchOptions } from "picomatch";
Found 1 error in node_modules/fdir/dist/src/builder/index.d.ts:4
> jq -r '.version' node_modules/picomatch/package.json
> jq -r '.version' node_modules/fdir/package.json
Seems picomatch is now on version 3.0.1, perhaps upgrading to that will fix it: https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch
thecodrr commented