
Feature request: notification with tracknames and artwork?

legolasdimir opened this issue · 3 comments

Is it possible to add support for the notifications that show next to the volume like Spotify and many other media players have? Can that info be gotten from the pandora api?

Good thing is artwork is available. Bad thing is this media controls are not easily available from pianobar.

Long story short adding this will require some non trivial amount work. I will see what can be done, because there is more than one way to approach the problem.

I cannot promise an ETA.

Main problem is that pianobar is WinXP compatible standalone app.
Controls for the media are available since Windows 8.1 and require app to use UWP model.
Fortunate thing is pianobar has a way to allow external programs to be notified and I will try to get this part of the code ported as well. So far never had need for it, so there is a good opportunity to look into that.

With that ready, there could be small UWP app next to pianobar that will act as a proxy between media controls and the player.