
Solidity language extension for coc.nvim

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🚧 🚧 🚧 Work in progress!! 🚧 🚧 🚧

fork from vscode-solidity at this commit

Port of Juan Blanco's Solidity plugin for VSCode to vim8/neovim, based on coc.nvim.

Porting strategy

  • packages/coc-solidity was created with create-coc-extension and stripped to act as an entry point that will receive code from vscode-solidity.
  • packages/vscode-solidity is a hard copy of vscode-solidity at the specified commit + some minimal changes to compile.
  • packages/coc-solidity will always be functional. This means that it should always compile, as it receives code incrementally from packages/vscode-solidity.
  • see create-coc-extension for how to run packages/coc-solidity locally. Make sure you've set up coc.nvim, and added packages/coc-solidity to vim's runtime in your vim config. In my case, it's set runtimepath^=~/coc-solidity/packages/coc-solidity.
  • To debug packages/vscode-solidity, simply open the package with vscode, and debug .vscode/launch.json.
  • I didn't find specific documentation on how to port a vscode extension to coc, but I found it useful to compare other coc extensions with the repository they fork from. To do this,
    • Identify a coc extension that forks from a vscode extension in Using-coc-extensions and clone it, e.g. coc-spell-checker.
    • Find where exactly it forks from the original repo, e.g. vscode-spell-checker, and clone that as well.
    • Rewind coc-spell-checker to its first commit.
    • Delete all files in vscode-spell-checker.
    • Paste all files from coc-spell-checker into vscode-spell-cheker.
    • Use your favorite diff viewer to see what gets changed to port an extension.
    • Additionally, comparing commits in coc-spell-checker could provide additional insights for how to port.
  • After coc-solidity is functional, packages/coc-solidity should be hoisted up a level and packages/ deleted.

Porting tips

Compiling the extension

  • cd packages/coc-solidity
  • yarn watch

Running/reloading the extension

  • Open a project that has Solidity contracts.
  • If you did the set runtimepath thing correctly, you should see a coc-solidity works! message when vim starts.
  • You can reload the extension in the test project with :CocList extensions, pick the extension, then TAB, then a for reload.
  • A faster way to reload extensions is :call CocAction('reloadExtension', 'coc-solidity')

Seeing logger.info() output

  • Once running, coc's logger creates a file (in my case) /run/usr/1000/coc-nvim-#.log.
  • Tail it :D
  • Watch the extension code and reload it with :CocList extensions in the sample project.

How does vscode.X translate to coc.X?

  • Most of the time it's just a matter of changing vscode => coc.
  • Check out coc.nvim and search for the function or object you're trying to port.
  • Or see above on how to observe the port process of another extension like coc-spell-checker.
  • If you're not sure that port actually produces the same value, debug vscode AND coc and compare values at runtime 🙏

Docs / help