
Versions on README are wrong

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I believe it's actually using Marathon 0.6.1 and Mesos 0.18.2

Thanks for spotting this, fixed by 002b232

Note the Mesos version currently used by this is 0.19.0 and not 0.18.0:

That's what's in GitHub. However, it's actually using 0.18.2 when you look on DockerHub

Strange - it's set up for automated builds on Docker Hub, but it looks like the 0.19.0 change didn't get picked up.

Upgrading to 0.19.1 and regenerating the Marathon build manually.

I'll bump to Mesos 0.20.0 once Marathon 0.7.0 is out

Fixed with commit df43fcf and image ed2f53ec8469

Thanks again for catching this!