
Adding the key "networks" in the JSON received of marathon ( list apps )

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When I was writing my application, I discovered that the networks key was not present in the marathon app. So I made a fork / PR to add it in the package. Thank you!

Sorry if you can not explain it....
Ask me and I will try to explain better.

Thank you! 👍

It´s necessary to my project 😄

Example /v2/apps
{ apps: [ { id: "/rabbitmq", acceptedResourceRoles: [ "*" ], backoffFactor: 1.15, backoffSeconds: 1, container: { type: "DOCKER", docker: { forcePullImage: true, image: "rabbitmq:3-management-alpine", parameters: [ ], privileged: false }, volumes: [ ] }, cpus: 0.5, disk: 0, env: { RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: "user", RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: "password" }, executor: "", instances: 1, labels: { }, maxLaunchDelaySeconds: 3600, mem: 512, gpus: 0, networks: [ { mode: "host" } ], portDefinitions: [ { port: 10000, protocol: "tcp" }, { port: 10001, protocol: "tcp" } ], requirePorts: false, upgradeStrategy: { maximumOverCapacity: 1, minimumHealthCapacity: 1 }, version: "2017-04-16T18:43:18.253Z", versionInfo: { lastScalingAt: "2017-04-16T18:43:18.253Z", lastConfigChangeAt: "2017-04-16T18:43:18.253Z" }, killSelection: "YOUNGEST_FIRST", unreachableStrategy: { inactiveAfterSeconds: 300, expungeAfterSeconds: 600 }, tasksStaged: 0, tasksRunning: 1, tasksHealthy: 0, tasksUnhealthy: 0, deployments: [ ] }, {} ] }