
0.7.1 tag missing

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Looks like 0.7.1 didn't get tagged.
It appears to be this commit id: 13fe7c3
Please push a tag to github and add to release page w/ correct date.

Of course a NEWER version to fix 13fe7c3#commitcomment-12627639 would also be nice 🙏

@mbabineau I can do the tagging if you want, but can you also make a new 7.2 release and push it up?

Looks like that too has been requested here: #62

Are the owners on vacation? Its been a month and find myself trying to update again without a real release :(

Here we go, appreciate the patience:

@solarkennedy, do you have a PyPI account? Would love to grant you maintainer perms so I'm not the bottleneck :)

@mbabineau totally! Share it with solarkennedy on pypi.

OK so no 0.7.1 tag because no 0.7.1 release ever occurred right?