
3.3 build broken due to link check

Closed this issue · 3 comments

A cherry-pick that I did to 3.3 is breaking the build.
The linkchecker-tryer fails on the URL:

I don't know what that is or how to fix it.

Blame commit: 8494e6b

@maximiliankolb Would you mind taking a look at it, please?

This is an expected failure because the clients for Foreman 3.3 have not been released yet. However, branching for 3.3 was necessary to provide documentation for the RC phase. I would just wait until Foreman 3.3 is released and this directory will exist.

To fix this with a linkchecker exception:

diff --git a/guides/common/linkchecker.ini b/guides/common/linkchecker.ini
index 58e0ff6c..283be8ee 100644
--- a/guides/common/linkchecker.ini
+++ b/guides/common/linkchecker.ini
@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@
   # This isn't published downstream yet

However, looking at the URL, it's already here, meaning the Pipeline should not fail any more. > I have restarted the GHA.