
Change letter casing to comply with the new GUI conventions

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments

Based on discussion #1290 (comment) about Content Views, we should modify letter casing of some terms to make it consistent with UX changes.

However, we should consider unifying not just "content views", but also other terms, such as "repository", "product" and other.
Requires a more detailed analysis and discussion.
TBD for which Foreman version this is to be planned.

Then we can run a set of scripts to modify the docs, for example:

find guides/common/modules -type f | xargs sed -i "" "s/Content View/content view/g"
# note that -i handles differently on macOS; IMHO GNU sed does not require "" as parameter
# and potentially other combinations that you'd like to reword/change capitalization of.

@melcorr Can you please ping people doing Foreman UI/UX? Maybe even start a community thread to discuss what we want?

Adding a term for discussion: Content Delivery Network

Adding a term for discussion: Host

I think we can close this issue. The documentation has been updated so that it follows the sentence case guideline and there is a UI issue to change the interface to sentence case.

Makes sense to me.