
Effection examples

Opened this issue · 2 comments

taras commented

We must provide examples of how Effection can be used for different things.

For frontend the conders are,

  • form validation
  • autocomplete
  1. React
  2. Vue
  3. CLI
  4. Express service

What examples would you like to see?

@taras What do you think about adding this file to the library I suppose it's a common case for React to run a task in the useEffect. Maybe it's worth adding something like a common library for React, like effection/react.
One more benefit is to add an eslint rule for the deps. Actually, the only thing is needed is:

"rules": {
      "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": ["warn", {
        "additionalHooks": "useTask"

It makes the linter to check all the deps the same way as it does for useEffect and etc.

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@taras I’ve made a repo comparing effection with async approach in some react examples

Currently, I see 3 additional hooks that may be useful for react developers:

useTaskEffect - It’s similar to, but I think it’s better to have effect in the name as it’s run in the useEffect hook.

useTaskCallback - Similar to useCallback, but for tasks. It returns [runTask, stopTask] functions to be easily controlled over the component. The goal is to stop previous task once the new runTask() is called to have the only task running and also stops the task on component unmounting. You may also check the usage here

useTaskResource - It is similar to useTaskEffect, but saves the result and progress in the component state. The usage -

Also, as I noticed before, there is as an additional eslint configuration for these hooks to check the deps argument for all these hooks

What do you think about these examples and moving these hooks to a separate library?

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Contribute to Atrue/react-concurrency-examples development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to taras/effection-react-autocomplete development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to Atrue/react-concurrency-examples development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to Atrue/react-concurrency-examples development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to Atrue/react-concurrency-examples development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to Atrue/react-concurrency-examples development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to Atrue/react-concurrency-examples development by creating an account on GitHub.