
install can't reach

EnnoOstendorf opened this issue · 8 comments

I tried to install frontmacs by just adding the line from the readme to my ~/.emacs, when starting emacs i get this error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (gnutls-error #<process> -12)
  signal(gnutls-error (#<process> -12))
  gnutls-negotiate(:process #<process> :type gnutls-x509pki :hostname "")

looks to me, that the host is not reachable, pinging it gives me 100% packet loss.

Here is my ~/.emacs:

;; boot frontmacs
(load (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/init-frontmacs.el" ))                                                                              

and the init-frontmacs.el is at the right place.

Thanks for the bug report @EnnoOstendorf! This is one we should fix ASAP, I'm getting the same issue on my end too.

We're using S3 & cloudfront but ran into SSL issues a while back. I'm betting it has to do with that trickery.

If I navigate to

Here's what I see:

 (frontmacs .
	    [(0 2 17)
	       (0 19 0))
	       (2 8 0))
	       (0 4 5))
	       (3 0))
	       (0 2))
	       (0 7 0))
	       (0 8 0))
	       (0 6 1))
	       (3 0))
	       (0 14 0))
	       (20171227 1315))
	       (0 4 7))
	       (1 11))
	       (0 11))
	       (0 3 0))
	       (0 11 0))
	       (1 0 0))
	       (20091203 1022))
	       (20160227 438))
	       (20160521 2112))
	       (0 6 5))
	       (2 0 0))
	       (0 9 0))
	       (20170125 1953))
	       (0 11 0))
	       (1 2 2))
	       (0 9 2))
	       (1 8 4))
	       (0 1 2))
	       (2 5 0))
	       (1 11))
	       (0 8 0))
	       (1 9 0))
	       (20160714 2134))
	       (0 1 3))
	       (2 3 1))
	       (1 0 8))
	       (14 1))
	       (2 1))
	       (0 0 13))
	       (0 12))
	       (0 45))
	       (2 0 1))
	       (1 11))
	       (1 4 0))
	       (0 3 0))
	       (2 3)))
	     "Frontside config package for emacs" tar nil]))

Our host does not support ping :( so unfortunately this is not a good diagnostic.

It looks like this might be an SSL error. We use Let's Encrypt to sign our SSL certs, so you will need to have their cert in your trust chain.

Thank you!
I don't know, how to add Lets Encrypt to my trust chain. Is the 'trust chain' systemwide or emacs specific?
I googled it, but i am obiously to stupid to find the right keywords.
I am working on an ubuntu 16.04 TLS VM in our company cloud, the admins say, that must be configured per application, but i don't know where.
Would it be an option to remove all 's' in https in the inti-frontmacs.el ?

It would definitely be an option, but then you wouldn't be downloading the frontmacs package over a secure connection. I'm not exactly sure how to verify where in the trust chain it's falling over, but here's how I do it on Safari.

2018-01-08 09 03 01

qpre commented

Hey !

I don't know if it is related, but it feels like it:
when installing, it get's to:
Opening TLS connection with ‘openssl s_client -connect -no_ssl2 -ign_eof’...done
Then nothing happens.

I'm running OSX (10.13 (17A405)) and emacs 25.2.1.

Any idea on how to get passed this ?

@EnnoOstendorf @qpre We're having difficulty reproducing this issue. Would one of you be willing to make your environment available to us to see if we can't diagnose it?

Yes of course:
I took a freshly installed vserver or docker image with ubuntu 16.04 minimal image, then in a shell

apt-get update; apt-get install emacs
mkdir .emacs.d; cd .emacs.d;

.emacs file see above

running emacs in the shell with --debug-init produces the error from above.
hope this helps

I had the same issue as @qpre (where it hangs with zero network but 100% CPU) using emacs 25.3.1 on macOS 10.13.3 as installed by Homebrew. However, after reinstalling emacs with --with-gnutls, it succeeds.