
Add Vector support

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The official Python driver has released this PR datastax/python-driver#1161 which introduces a new Vector type.

Am I right in assuming that flask-cqlalchemy requires a patch to support this new type?

If so, I'm more than happy to look at creating a PR. I might need a bit of support though, as Python isn't my first language.

@krisquigley I would assume it would require a patch. Unfortunately, I don't use Cassandra anymore. So if you create a PR, I would be happy to support you.

That's fantastic, thanks @thegeorgeous!

I'll start looking into creating a patch then.

Just out of interested, how come you don't use Cassandra anymore?

@krisquigley I used it long ago for a specific project for a client. I no longer work on that project.