
Primary LanguageGo

Hey! Nice to e-meet you 😁

So, this is simple application that observes given blockchain address and saves transactions related to this address.

I have not used context for a lot of the stuff, becuase the parser interface was not letting me to do that.

I have also used interface for storage, and currently its only implemented by the MemoryStorage (which means it can be in the future replaced with other storage).

There is only one unit test because it was told to be done with the task in 4h (In normal scenario I would write a lot more of those)

The application can be seen in the example/sample.go, it logs some stuff to console but it can be treated as some kind of playground.

I have created the PKG directory because it was told that this Parser should be used as the public interface, and the internal one isn't available i.e. if you will get the package to your own GO project.

Also created simple command line logger, but it can be replaced with other one as long as it will implement the io.Writer interface.

Also code abstractions are implementing the io.Closer to safely close the stuff behind the scene. (especially the observer as well as ethereum.go parser)

Why 1 unit test?

Basically I didn't have a time, I was forced to leave home 😂