
[enhancement] Allow partial point awards when cards are moved to "In Progress" and "In Review"

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It would be nice if there were an option for part of the points to be awarded as the card starts moving through the project board.

Some sensible defaults would be to award 50% of the points when a task moves to "In Progress" and 75% of the points when the task is "In Review", however this should be customizable in the per-project settings. There will also need to be a way for users to specify which columns are "In Progress" or "In Review", again per project.

Other considerations:

  • If a task goes back to "In Progress" after a review requested changes, then the point award for "In Review" should still stay as long as the task was in that column, but as soon as the task goes back to "In Progress" the point award will drop until the task is again "In Review"
    • This could be implemented within the card using a points_completed_as_of(date) function.