
Remove compiler warnings

pk044 opened this issue · 0 comments

pk044 commented

We have a little bit of 2.12 code that should be slightly refactored to adjust to practices used in Scala 2.13 - there are about 20+ warnings, this one being the most important:

[warn] /home/pk/Development/iterators/kebs/tagged-meta/src/test/scala/SprayAnnotationTests.scala:8:2: method right in class Either is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Either is now right-biased, use methods directly on Either
[warn] @tagged object SprayTestTags {
[warn]  ^
[warn] /home/pk/Development/iterators/kebs/tagged-meta/src/test/scala/SprayAnnotationTests.scala:26:2: method right in class Either is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Either is now right-biased, use methods directly on Either
[warn] @tagged trait SprayTestTagsTrait {
[warn]  ^

which is caused by

q"validate($argName) => $argName.taggedWith[${tagType.tagName}[..$tagParams]])"