
Predicate not() is present in Enum but not supported

sunstream opened this issue · 2 comments

Enum PredicateType contains value NOT, but PredicateTypeBuilder does not contain method not().
Also missing: or(), and(), inject().

Is it possible to add these methods?

Especially and is quite important for us. Is the library still actively maintained?

Hey, @dAnjou! It's definitely not being actively maintained, though I am still accepting quality PRs.

And I'd even go a step further for a fellow TWer (greetings from Dallas!). If you want, I'll happy give you commit privileges to this repo. Last time I checked my TravisCI build is still misbehaving due to a signing problem, but resolving that shouldn't be too terrible. Once that's done, publishing and releasing new builds to OSSRH should be easy (though there is a small manual step that I never manged to automate away).

So yeah, just let me know if you're interested. I'm also happy to chat about this in more detail via a video chat if you'd like.